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Kelsey Davidson's Digital Portfolio

Career Readiness

  Alumni Leadership Speaker Series Working in the LEAD office has allowed me so many opportunities to become career ready. When I was first applying to work in the LEAD Office, I really want to get the position so that I could gain skills to use in my future careers. Even creating this entire website and all that has gone into has given me skills to use in future careers. I know that the skills I have learned this past year will help me in my future careers, particularly in my current interest of becoming a TESL teacher. There are countless skills that I have learned and improved through this job, like communication skills, leadership skills (of course) and how to work in a team.

   Many activities that the LEAD Office uses in workshops, I can use in ESL classes and fit them to the lesson. I have also gotten many opportunities to get to know people in many different career fields from different events like the Alumni Leadership Speaker Series. I got to talk former Mason students and see what paths they have followed after getting out of Mason. By putting together this portfolio, I have also been able to reflect on what I have learned in the position throughout this year and write out how or what I have learned. I believe this will be very useful in the future when applying or working for new jobs.
