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Kelsey Davidson's Digital Portfolio

Negotiating and Managing Conflict



An example of conflict about pancakes and waffles

Being an LC has allowed me to work with many different groups of people, including middle school children. The strength of being able to negotiate and manage conflict between students during certain activities became necessary. I think I found myself dealing with situations of conflict better than I expected. I noticed that I tend to calm down a situation and try to talk to each of the individuals involved to make sure I understand where they are coming from and how they are feeling. I also realized through this position how important building relationships with people is. By having that foundation of a relationship, there is more trust when a conflict does occur and there is more of a likelihood that the conflict can get resolved.

   I try to bring a different perspective to conflict as well. I think that sometimes it is hard to see one other viewpoints and I try to be careful that I show I am listening to everyone’s story. I then try to have each person see how the other person is feeling and how they can acknowledge that. I feel that if there is acknowledgment of one’s feelings than there is less defensiveness. When people aren’t trying to be defensive, the conflict can be resolved or the problem fixed.